A great place to start your visit in Fairbanks is at the University of Alaska’s Museum of the North. This structure actually looks a bit out of place with it’s ultra modern styling but I am so used to the museums up here being in old log buildings, new log buildings, small log buildings, and ugly log buildings that I may be a tad prejudiced.
It’s a big one, too. Sandy and I both do lots of reading at the individual displays and spent nearly five hours going through everything. We also got an audio device with headphones that provided extra information at various exhibits. There was a nice auditorium where 30-minute videos were running every hour and each had a different title. You could sit a while and learn something—not bad!

• We were told that at 30° below zero… they stopped all school field trips but classes continue.
• At 50° below zero, classes continue but if your child is absent, it is not counted against them.
• Residents outside of Anchorage may pay upwards of $1,000 per month for heat in the winter. (Apparently Anchorage residents are subsidized in some manner.)
• There are lots of receptacles where you can plug in your car.
• Wolverine fur should be sewn on your parka close to your mouth. It won’t hold condensation from your breath and freeze.
• As you can see from the sign, residents actually drive on the river at some point.
• Yes, the snowmobile sign is real and posted for a reason!

We became perfect tourists in the Fairbanks area and actually started north of the city where there was/is a huge (many square miles) gold mining area. Fox is a “town” about 10 miles north of Fairbanks (I use the word “town” loosely because we couldn’t find two buildings even setting close together).
This is important because Fox is in the middle of this gold mining district and is the home of the Silver Gulch Brewery—America’s most northern brewery/brewpub. Being a beer fan, I always try to sample a local brewski. The beer was good, the food was good, and the inside was very nice—not just another “bar.” It’s one of the very few places in North America that offers a “scotch egg” as an appetizer. If you are in “town,” I recommend the Silver Gulch Brewery and a scotch egg.
Gold was discovered about 100 years ago and this area was inundated with miners ranging from individuals to companies with industrial equipment. They literally stripped the top of the land down to the bedrock since the gold (over a gazillion-years old) works its way down through the soil and settles on the bedrock.
Some companies used water cannons (like a fire hose on steroids) to sort of wash/melt/blow off the topsoil and gravel layer (sometimes many feet thick). The resulting mud would be washed down a “placer” where the gold would settle to the bottom while the rocks and dirt would wash away. The placer is a ribbed trough designed to force the mud and water to run down an incline while any gold is captured in between the ribs. It works.

They use a LOT of water! Enough so that rocks the size of tennis balls would be washed away. You wonder why the gold doesn’t wash away but it is 8-10 times heavier than the rocks so as the gold is shaken up with the water, rocks, and dirt, it sinks to the bottom where they trap it. Now, in this operation, they actually trapped the gold in (I swear this is the truth) Astroturf (that fake, green, grass-like product). The “grass blades” on the Astroturf somehow trap the gold plus some of the really fine dirt that didn’t wash away.
The residual gold and dirt is then hand-panned just like the early miners did it 100 years ago—yes, using a traditional gold pan (check the pictures). The result is gold—lots of small flakes and sometimes (with a lot of luck) a nugget.
The El Dorado Gold Mine is a tourist attraction but also a working gold mine run by two people and a lot of high-school help. Thier operation is actually going through the “tailings”—the leftover dirt that the previous mining attempts left piled up. There are huge piles of tailings that seem to stretch for miles. With gold currently at over $900 per ounce, you can make some money.

Then you take your new-found gold inside the gift shop and they will weigh it and give you an estimated value at the current gold market price. Our combined effort was worth $21.00. No, they don’t buy this gold from you—it’s yours. You can have it put into a locket.

Part of that boat trip was a stop at a dog kennel. Since the kennel was on the riverfront, we all stayed on the boat and everyone could see really well. Dog teams are a serious sport up here and professional “mushers” are nearly the equivalent of sports superstars. The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race (1,150 miles) and the Yukon Quest (1,000 miles) are the two big races, lasting many days, and are considered some of the toughest competitive events in the world.
The sled dogs are smaller than I thought. They are actually somewhat lean and muscular. They have one goal in life—to pull that sled! We were told that’s all they want to do.
Here is a short video showing what happens when they are given the command to go. For the demo, the dog team was harnessed to an ATV—remember, it was summer so no snow and no sleds. The video will be brief and may seem like it’s on fast-forward—but it’s real. You will be amazed at how fast those dogs can go from a dead stop.

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